Chairs: Nikolajs Zeps & Ian Davis
Non-small cell lung cancer cells promote multiple changes in normal bronchial epithelial cells (#24)
11:00 AM
‘National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Framework; directions and priorities’ (#25)
11:15 AM
Updated recommendations for the use of hypofractionated radiotherapy for early (operable) breast cancer (#26)
11:30 AM
Engaging multidisciplinary teams in translational research and quality improvement (#27)
11:45 AM
Epithelial-Mesenchymal Plasticity Status in Circulating Tumour Cells of Breast Cancer Xenograft Models (#28)
12:00 PM
A novel literature-based approach to identify genetic and molecular predictors of survival in glioblastoma multiforme: Analysis of 14,678 patients using systematic review and meta-analytical tools (#29)
12:15 PM