Bena Brown
Princess Alexandra Hospital, QLD, Australia

Dr Bena Brown is the Principal Allied Health Research Fellow in the Division of Cancer Services and an Advanced Speech Pathologist (Cancer Care) at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. Bena is a clinician-researcher with a passion for caring for people with cancer and their families, patient-centred research, and research exploring novel service delivery models using technology. Since the awarding of her PhD, Bena has worked part-time sharing motherhood with her research and clinical career. Bena is also a member of the Human Research and Ethics Committees at Metro South Health and The University of Queensland, and serves on statewide committees for the Queensland Collaborative for Cancer Survivorship, Queensland Youth Cancer Service, Strategic Advisory Committee, and COSA Patient-Reported Outcome Working Group. She has over 50 peer-reviewed publications, has presented at multiple national and international conferences, and has been awarded over $3.5 million in research grants. Bena is mum to 2 boisterous boys, a keen yogi, and passionate student and board member at Vulcana Circus.