Kirsten Duggan — ASN Events

Kirsten Duggan

SWSLHD, NSW, Australia

Kirsten Duggan is a Cancer Information Manager working in the Sydney & South West Sydney Local Health District Clinical Cancer Registry at Liverpool Hospital. After graduating from the University of Sydney with a BAppSc (Health Information Management) in 2004, Kirsten worked for 18 months as a Clinical Coder in the public hospital system, before moving to work at the Clinical Cancer Registry in late 2005. Having developed an enthusiasm for lung cancer data collection and reporting, Kirsten has also played a key role in the development of the Registry, with her involvement in electronic data capture, data linkage and quality projects. She has extensive experience in tumour classification and registration, and a keen interest in registry data utilisation. In 2010, Kirsten achieved a Master of Public Health (UNSW), and continues to work collaboratively with the Lung Multidisciplinary Team and local clinicians at Sydney & South West Sydney Local Health Districts on multiple research projects, with a focus on guideline recommended therapy and patterns of care.