Michael Friedlander
Royal Hospital for Women, NSW, Australia

Michael Friedlander is a medical oncologist and conjoint Professor of Medicine at the University of NSW and has appointments at the Prince of Wales Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
A randomised phase 3 trial of accelerated versus standard BEP chemotherapy for patients with intermediate and poor-risk metastatic germ cell tumours: The P3BEP Trial (ANZUP 1302) (#266)
3:00 PM
Howard Chan
Baseline predictors of early treatment failure in patients with Platinum Resistant/ Refractory (PRR) and Potentially Platinum Sensitive (PPS) recurrent ovarian cancer (ROC) receiving ≥3 lines of chemotherapy- The Gynaecologic Cancer Intergroup (GCIG) Symptom Benefit Study (SBS) (#203)
3:00 PM
Peey-Sei Kok
Is it time to change the primary endpoint in clinical trials in recurrent ovarian cancer (ROC)? Symptom burden and outcomes in patients with platinum resistant/refractory (PRR) and potentially platinum sensitive ROC receiving ≥3 lines of chemotherapy (PPS) – The Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup (GCIG) Symptom Benefit Study (SBS). (#167)
3:20 PM
Peey-Sei Kok
Best of the Best Posters - Survivorship & Supportive care
PARAGON- An ANZGOG Phase 2 study of anastrazole in asymptomatic women with estrogen (ER)/ progesterone (PR) positive ovarian cancer with a CA125 progression after first line treatment. (#186)
3:00 PM
Philip Beale