Anna Boltong
Cancer Council Victoria, VIC, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Dr Anna Boltong is Head of the Cancer Information and Support Service at Cancer Council Victoria. In this role she leads a team of 40 health, research, education and marketing professionals and oversees a portfolio of more than twenty practical, emotional and informational support programs and services for people affected by cancer. Anna’s current research activity spans clinical practice; health service systems; and patient and family support provision including cancer survivorship.
Anna originally trained as a dietitian and has been working in health service development and delivery, public health policy, education, clinical and supportive care oncology research in the UK and Australia for 18 years. Anna holds academic qualifications in Health Promotion, Nutrition and Dietetics, Gastronomy and Education. Her postdoctoral work investigated the needs of patients and clinicians in managing chemotherapy induced taste dysfunction and reduced food enjoyment in the clinical oncology setting.
Anna was elected to the Board of MASCC in 2016. She is Vice President of the International Cancer Information Services Group (ICISG) Board of Directors. Anna holds an honorary senior fellow position in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at The University of Melbourne.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Translating Research Into Practice: The Healthy Living after Cancer Partnership Project (#49)
4:45 PM
Elizabeth Eakin
Best of the Best Orals - Supportive Care
Parking at Victorian cancer treatment centers – issues and impacts (#254)
3:00 PM
Anna Boltong
Self-guided psychological interventions for people with cancer: A systematic review (#264)
3:00 PM
Anna Ugalde
‘Nutrition’ related calls to a Cancer Helpline: What are they really about? (#322)
3:00 PM
Katherine Lane
Posters 2
Expanding the reach of a cancer clinicians communication curriculum: Case study of a Cancer Council multi-state pilot partnership (#96)
1:45 PM
Megan Chiswell
Best of the Best Orals - Education
Acceptability and utility of a telephone outcall program for carers of persons diagnosed with cancer (#311)
3:00 PM
Leila Heckel
Posters 2
M-Health: the impact of smartphone technology to improve quality of life outcomes among people with cancer: a randomised controlled trial (#326)
3:00 PM
Patricia Livingston
Posters 2
When a cancer patient in the waiting room is a rarity: Development of an oncology specific resource to support generalist private practice and community dietitians across Australia (#125)
11:20 AM
Anna Boltong
Rare and not so rare issues in cancer nutrition