Paul Ekert
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, VIC, Australia

Associate Professor Paul Ekert is the Group Leader of Cancer Research at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the Head, Molecular Pathology, Children’s Cancer Centre, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. His group has several research interests, which include the study of the genetic lesions that drive paediatric cancers. This includes the use of RNA sequencing to identify novel translocations and other driving genomic features in paediatric cancers, with a focus on leukaemia. His laboratory also has a long track record of studying cytokine receptor signaling and the regulation of cell death pathways. Before joining the MCRI, he was a laboratory head at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and a paediatrician at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Exploring the feasibility and utility of exome-scale sequencing of tumours in a clinical setting (#22)
12:00 PM
Belinda Lee
Best of the Best Orals - Clinical research