Simone Leyden
Neuroendocrine Cancer Australia, VIC, Australia
- This delegate is contactable by email.
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Simone Leyden co-founded the Unicorn Foundation Australia in 2009 after seeing a huge disparity in treatment and support options for rare cancers due to her sister’s diagnosis, compared to more common cancers. In her role as CEO, Simone advocates for greater access to treatments and diagnostics, raises funds for the Neuroendocrine Tumour (NET) Nurse Support Service, funds clinical trials and research, produces education resources about NET cancers and raises awareness about NETs within the medical community and general public. Simone is an active member of many associations including the current President of the International Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance (INCA), representing 26 NET member organisations around the world. Simone has been involved and convened international medical conferences including convening the 4th World Theranostics Congress (2016) and in 2018 convened the 6th Annual Asia Pacific NET Society meeting (APNETS). Simone is passionate about cancer research, equitable access to healthcare and improving efficiencies in healthcare delivery.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
The Patient and Carer Perspective of NETs – What have we learnt and direction for the future (#45)
5:10 PM
Simone Leyden
Caught in the NETS