Kathy Tucker
Prince of Wales Hospital, NSW, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Dr Tucker established the first clinical cancer genetics service in Australia and is recognized as the founder and key player in clinical cancer genetics in Australia. She pioneered Telemedicine in cancer genetics and co-lead a project to establish its efficacy then developed a teaching module now used by the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation. She has lead the devolution of the specialist led to counsellor led service model for cancer genetics. Her current research interest is the successful translation of cancer genomic medicine to the patient in both adult and paediatric. Her involvement in the Combined Genomic cancer medicine Program at the Garvan Institute as a geneticist and part of the psychosocial / ethical research is ongoing. Her goal is to prevent preventable cancers within the hereditary cancer. She is the leader of the Hereditary Cancer Flagship in the UNSW translational research network.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
At risk and unreachable - Implementing the Family Communication Tool into the clinic to improve dissemination of information. (#132)
12:00 PM
Kathy Tucker
Lynch Syndrome: improving patient outcomes through a translational research network
Does stress increase risk of cancer? A 15 year prospective study of women at high risk of breast cancer (#46)
4:00 PM
Phyllis N Butow
Best of the Best Orals - Supportive Care
Neuroendocrine Transformation of a Presacral Teratoma in Two Patients with Currarino Syndrome (#360)
3:00 PM
Aimee R Hayes
Posters 2