Desmond Yip
The Canberra Hospital, ACT, Australia

Professor Desmond Yip is a Senior Staff Specialist at the Department of Medical Oncology at The Canberra Hospital, Professor at the ANU Medical School and Adjunct Professor at the University of Canberra. He is a clinical academic with his main clinical and research interests in the areas of gastrointestinal oncology and developmental therapeutics. His interest in Global Oncology started from conducting a scoping visit of cancer services at the National Referral Hospital in Honiara, Solomon Islands to leading a series of DFAT Pacific Islands Program missions to help establish the first Oncology Unit there. He is also involved in assisting in staff training at the Port Moresby Hospital Cancer Centre in Papua New Guinea.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Evaluation of a web based cognitive rehabilitation programme (CRP) in cancer survivors reporting cognitive symptoms following chemotherapy (#18)
11:00 AM
Victoria J Bray
Best of the Best Orals - Clinical research
To assess the timeliness of access to treatment for patients with thoracic malignancies referred to MDM in the ACT Region (#224)
3:00 PM
Madhawa De SIlva
A snapshot review of the impact of a Rapid Assessment Clinic on the care pattern of febrile neutropenic patients (#306)
3:00 PM
Madhawa De SIlva
Posters 2